Stat Tier Rules

Tier Stat Ups: Players, NPCs, and enemy units have four tiers. 

For each tier, the character receives additional stat-ups towards skill checks (10 points) and saving throws (5 points). A maximum of 4 points can be put in a positive stat line for skill checks. For both saving throws and skill checks, only 1 point may be added if the modifier is negative. Players will also receive a bonus to their hit modifier when progressing up a tier, depending on their class.

When reaching certain thresholds with saving throw modifiers, boons are awarded to the respective creature. They are as follows:

Constitution: Per + 6 gain + 1 HP per level. At + 15, gain resistance to organic damage. If resistance is already present, gain immunity. 

Strength: Per + 8 gain + 2 to all physical damage attacks that require the user to attack physically. (Guns will not receive this buff, bows will). At + 15, the creature is treated as one size larger mechanically but does not increase in physical size.

Agility: Per + 8, gain + 1 to AC, and + 5 to movement. At + 20, gain an additional attack in turn order. 

Will: At + 10, gain advantage on will saving throws. At + 20, automatically succeed will roll on death-saving throws. 

Sigma: At + 10, gain advantage on Sigma saving throws. At + 20, gain + 5 Persuasion and Seduction, and be so memorable that you gain + 1 reputation point. 

Divine: At + 15, gain the ability to communicate freely with the gods anytime they please. At + 20, be considered a demi-god and gain access to a Divine power path in which the user gains a unique boon. However, if this boon is used, the gods may take action and banish them to Dragonmaw or the Old World. The user will also gain + 2 reputation points.